hi sirs i need help on my toyota corolla gli 93 the wire on my dashboard burnt out the fuel gauge doesn't work anymore ..i need help on how to install this cheap fuel gauge for the meantime thanks for the help there are three slot for the wire and for the light, S,-,+ here is the pics
Reply 1 : how to install cheap fuel gauge
S Is your Sending wire (use existing Sending wire from broken gauge)
(+) Is your 12v+
(-) is a good ground
These are for illumination. You should wire them to the Light switch circuit
Reply 2 : how to install cheap fuel gauge
sirs im just a newbie can you tell 1 by 1 where should i tapped on my dashboard wires thank you so much
Reply 3 : how to install cheap fuel gauge
Yellow / Lime wire going to the Gauge should work.
why don't you just get a new fuel gauge from the salvage yard and swap it with your existing one instead of cutting wires? the fuel gauge is only held in by 2 or 4 screws in the cluster...
If the Yellow / Lime wire doesnt work .. there are only two more wires that control the gauge level:
>> Yellow / Red
>> Brown ( Ground )
I'm almost positive the Y/L wire is the wire though because its the only one on the circuit that is a Rheostat (Potentiometer -- Variable Resistor)
Reply 4 : how to install cheap fuel gauge
once you get the function of the gauge to work, the next step is to hook up the illumination.
Best, safest way to do this is to get a fuse tap (
Pull the coin try off on the left side of your dash, Remove the GAUGE fuse and install the Fuse Tap. hook the 10A fuse into the top of the tap, and run your (+) Wire to the fuse tap and Crimp it in place.
For the ground, it can go almost anywhere. Any good BODY ground. Make sure you dont mistake plastic for a good ground, this will not work. You can run a wire over near the fuse panel, and where the coin try bolts in (Phillips head screws) Those are good grounding points. Where your Radio attaches to the dash those are good grounding points... you get the picture

Good Luck, and let me know if you have any more problems!
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