Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Power Steering Pump Failure?

My '98 Avalon has 210K miles on it. Everything is running okay with the exception of... When I start it in the morning and first start turning the wheel, it feels really kinda funky. Like is will turn a bit and then stop like it has hit something and then move again.

This ONLY happens after the car's been sitting for a while and after a few minutes it is back to normal.

Is the power steering pump wearing out or is there some other problem here? The fluid levels are fine.

Reply 1 : Power Steering Pump Failure?

What the condition/color of the fluid? You may need a flush.

Reply 2 : Power Steering Pump Failure?

Here it is on some tissue to show the color. Kind of a rusty orange color.

Reply 3 : Power Steering Pump Failure?

Look at the universal joints between the steering wheel and rack, lubricate these joints. Remember the power steering fluid in your car is (ATF) automatic transmission fluid. You can suck fluid out of the resevior with a turkey baster, then refill to proper level. Do this step several times (at different times) to flush most of the old fluid out.

Reply 4 : Power Steering Pump Failure?

Mine would do that too. Of course I was low of fluid to begin with and needed a new rack. I replaced the rack, flushed out whatever was in the lines before reconnecting and refilled with fresh when i was done. Problem was solved.

You might be losing a little fluid and getting air pockets in the system at startup causing the problem you're having too.

Reply 5 : Power Steering Pump Failure?

I had this problem as well several months after I installed a new rack. Turned out the two fittings that connected the rack to the power steering pump were loose, tightened them and I was good to go!

Reply 6 : Power Steering Pump Failure?

This problem only appears after the car has sat for some time - 5+ hours or so. If it is less than this, then the problem does not appear.

Last week after work, I sat in the car and revved it up several times before pulling out of the parking stall. When I did, I did NOT experience the problem even though it had sat for 8 hours.

It seems if the problem had been a lubrication of the U-joints, then it wouldn't happen after sitting a while. I can detect no leaks. I am on vacation this week, I will try using the turkey baster to remove the old fluid and refill with fresh ATF. I'll see if that makes a difference.

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