Hi everyone.
Some reason the past week i have been seeing soo many tricked out corolla's and all of a sudden im on this rush to make mine the same. =] i know i am super excited but i want to get some advice from everyone before i decided to buy things blindly. I dont wanna trust reviews i want to know from you guys.
Oh its a Black Corolla S
So i would like to do interior and exterior.
Speakers: should i upgrade them or will they do?
AMP and subs: going to get those dont want something too loud just nice it is a corolla lol
In car stereo with lcd.
basically interior is pretty much covered
headlights: I have no idea what everyone talks about. I want to make them nice. I really like angel eyes. But would that mean i have to by the headlights and then buy HIDs for them or what. If there is any inclusive website on headlights for beginners let me know. If angel eyes are too expensive i probably will just buy HIDs and leave it at that. I am supposed to also make sure i disconnect the corolla's auto lighting feature in the day, and i want to make the fog lights seperate from the headlights. and i wanted to get an LEd Strip at between headlight and bumper.
Rear lights: is it really worth it to do anythign with them or should i just black them out.
Tint: whats a good % 15?
in the future ill be looking into rims, also taking the logos off, maybe making the Toyota symbol BLACK, lowering the car.
Im in a Huge rush of excitement to begin my journey but i would love any advice it would be great
Thanks a lot for reading this long speech
sorry ima noob but i learn things quickly
Reply 1 : Would love to get some Advice new To Cars

The search feature will uncover many of the answers you seek...
Reply 2 : Would love to get some Advice new To Cars

For audio, I thought the 6 speaker system was pretty good for stock, the JBL 8 speaker version is even better. I was using a 12" Alpine Type-R subwoofer, and it hard enough for a Corolla. I wouldn't prefer changing out the stock headlights for the Xrs & S models, its fine as is. Anything too add to it would be a proper retrofit for increased light output, HIR bulbs, or your choice of halogen bulbs. The LED strip is alright, not much of my taste. There are a few tutorials to DIY. For the stock tail lights, I like them red-ed out, and if you do wish to tint 'em, don't black 'em out. A nice light tint is good enough IMO.
IF you wanna change 'em out, I prefer the LED versions other members and I have.
Looking for rims, debadging, painting emblems are all simple. Theres a few threads around to show how to do it. Just search around and you'll find plenty of knowledge.
I'm sure you'll have fun modding your Corolla as much as we do, especially when it all starts.
Have fun
Reply 3 : Would love to get some Advice new To Cars
First off welcome.
Ok, now to the questions in no particular order.
I hated the sound of the stock speakers so I swapped them out with Polk audio DB691's and 651's. They sound great and fit my style of music. You can pick up fronts and rears for around $125. If you are going with an aftermarket headunit then speakers are going to be on your list as the stock speakers are low power. Speakers are a personal preference and everyone seems to have their own favorite brand.
For a headunit with a screen it all comes down to preference and budget. You can pick up a nice Clarion vx401 with the touchscreen, Sirius ready, Ipod control with add on navigation as an option for around $330 (not including the cost of the nav unit). I am ordering the Clarion NX501 which has all of those features and nav built in. I can get it locally for $640. If you want to spend more the sky is the limit and you can easily dump 2 grand into a headunit from several manufacturers. Some people are using the Chinese made head units for the Corolla. Some are winners, some are losers. The one I bought was a loser so it went back today and I am waiting on the refund to put toward the Clarion.
Subs: The stock system has no low end and even with aftermarket speakers the low end is minimal at best. I run 2 10" Boston Acoustic G110's as they have a tight punchy response which sounds good for the punk and metal I listen to. I paid $100 each for them and push them with a Kenwood amp. I think I paid around $125 for the amp and a box will run you about $60. It is a decent budget priced system that suits me well. I am going to eventually add a 4 channel amp for my main speakers but they sound good running just off the head unit.
Headlights: This is the biggie around here as there are as many opinions as their are members. I use HIR bulbs and they work great for increasing visibility but don't have the white look that many people strive for. They are not for show but for putting massive amounts of light on the road they are unbeatable for a standard bulb. You can get 4 for around $100. I then went with Nokya 2500k 55 watt fog bulbs because I wanted yellow for my fogs as I actually use them as fog lights in fog.
The other option is HID's which are a much more expensive option. Do not use HID lights in your stock housings without have them retrofitted properly with HID projectors. Minimum for that is going to be around $750 so HID is not a cheap option if you do it properly. If you don't do it properly it is horrible for glare and blinds other drivers on the road as well as decreases your visibility. Read the sticky at the top of the forum and you will see. There are a lot of people around my area that are doing HID conversions in halogen housings and they are horrible to drive around.
Tint: That is personal preference and may be governed by the laws of your state. Some people like 35% some people like darker. The lower the percentage, the darker the tint. I am going with 5% limo tint on the rear doors and back window. Tinting the driver or passenger side windows is illegal in my state (Michigan) so if I do tint those it will be with a much lighter 35% film.
Rims are another personal preference. There is a huge rim thread here that if you are interested you can take a week off and read all of it.
Lowering springs. Another huge selection. I am going with TRD's or Eibach's because I don't want it slammed, just a little lower and stiffer. If you are unterested in better handling also look into sway bars the multitude of braces that are available.
Tails are another choice. I personaly like the way they look stock but may eventually upgrade to LED's. A light smoke wouldn't be bad but I hate the look of blacked out lights and they are dangerous as they cut down on how visible you are to others. They are also illegal in my state.
The other stuff is easy and covered in the DIY thread. Most of it can be done and little or no cost, just time and patience.
Good luck, congrats on the new car and again, welcome aboard.
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