Here is a picture of a leaking part on my 93 automatic transmission with the 22r. It has a wire coming from it that looks to have been cut and put back together. The previous owner tried to fix it from the outside by putting something yellow looking over the leak. Anyone know what this is????
Its located on the drivers side of the transmission. Sorry, I didnt know how to post pictures here. Also, my speedometer and my odometer stopped working at the same time. Anyone know what the cause may be? Thanks!
Reply 1 : Picture of leaking part on transmission...
both of those links don't work for me..
Reply 2 : Picture of leaking part on transmission...
Got the pics to work.
Reply 3 : Picture of leaking part on transmission...
Sounds like its the speed sensor?
And its probably not working because of that fancy wiring
doesnt look like its leaking though?
Reply 4 : Picture of leaking part on transmission...
LOL, yeah, Found out it was the speed sensor alright. Its clean because I cleaned it off before I took the picture with some carb cleaner. Actually it is leaking because someone had replaced the speed sensor at one time and maybe tightened it too much and cracked the housing on the least thats what I am guessing. I really cant see buying a transmission when the trans shifts extremely well, so at this point I will just clean it, jb weld it, and hope for the best. I believe the speed sensor will be a "B...H" to get off since it appears to have some sort of glue or something on it........its never easy for me!
Reply 5 : Picture of leaking part on transmission...
Ahh i nknow what you mean
yeah something like that, just jb weld it and call it gooood. and connect those wires a little bit better, you should be good

Reply 6 : Picture of leaking part on transmission...
OK, I got it all done. Now I just hope the speedo works. I will try it out today........I will hate to have to pull the sensor off and replace it with all that stuff on it.
Reply 7 : Picture of leaking part on transmission...
Im sure it wont be a big deal to pull it off.
its probably just some silicone or something.
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